Twist Lattice

Categories: Stitches

The Twist Lattice it’s also known as Diamond Lattice.
It’s multiple of 16 stitches plus 2, and need 16 rows to complete.


  • Row 1 (WS): purl all stitches
  • Row 2 (RS): k1, *LC, k4, RC*, k1
  • Row 3 (WS): purl all stitches. And on all odd rows, purl all stitches.
  • Row 4 (RS): k2, *LC, k2, RC, k2*
  • Row 6: k3, *LC, RC, k4*, k3
  • Row 8: k4, *RC, k6*, k4
  • Row 10: k3, *RC, LC, k4*, k3
  • Row 12: k2, *RC, k2, LC, k2*
  • Row 14: k1, *RC, k4, LC*, k1
  • Row 16: k8, *LC, k6*, k2

k: knit
p: purl
LC: left cross
RC: right cross
RS: right side
WS: wrong side
*: repeat

On circular knitting, you knit all the stitches on all the odd rounds.